Data privacy and consent to use job application information

Your data protection is an important consideration at DataCow and this privacy statement aims to inform you about the use of the information you submit when applying for a job at DataCow (this information will be referred to as job application data).

All job application data submitted via this website is collected and processed by DataCow based in Hull in the UK.

This privacy statement covers any Job Application Data you submit to DataCow as described below

The information you may supply

  • Name, address, email address, telephone numbers or other contact information
  • Confirmation of Legal Right to Work in the UK
  • The type of job you are applying for/job preferences
  • Information contained in your CV or covering letter such as previous work experience, education or other information provided for our consideration
  • Contact information for references  (Responsibility for consent to supply contact details for references lies with you)

Please do not supply any confidential or proprietary information gleaned from previous employment.

Who will access your data?

In order to progress your application the following employees of DataCow may be involved in the review of your information

  • Human Resources Department
  • Potential future manager(s)
  • IT (for system maintenance purposes only)

DataCow will not supply any of this data to any third party not identified above without your express authorisation.

Providing your job application data is voluntary, but should you choose to omit certain information it may hamper our ability to fully consider your suitability for the post.

Spencer use of job application data

The information you provide will be used to support your job application at DataCow together with verification and reference checks.  It may also be used to inform you of further suitable job opportunities with DataCow.

Should your application be successful the information provided will be retained in your personnel record and used for employment purposes.

Data Retention

Your most recent job application data is stored in our CV database for one year.  You can access, correct or delete your job application data at any time by making a Subject Access Request (information about the data we hold and or process about you); these requests should be directed to